Q: So, what’s a bandcoach ... a bus that carries a band?
A: Nah, I coach band kinda like a coach coaches a football team!
Q: What?!?
Well, a coach does the following for their team
- Designs strategies for success
- In consultation with the player, and others, designs routines for the skill enhancement and performance improvement of the player
- Coordinates all training/rehearsal and game/performance schedules
- Leads all training/rehearsal or delegates the responsibility as appropriate. Consider special team training sessions and sectional rehearsals. The Head coach may not be at these but will have determined what needs to be covered.
- Decides how individuals will be used within the team for any particular game/performance
So a conductor of a band is faced with the same considerations, especially a school band where the members are still learning their instruments. This means that as leader of the band, I am faced with making all of the above decisions and tasked with developing the band and strategies for success. I find it is better to treat band rehearsal like a coaching session rather than an opportunity to provide edicts about what will and won’t happen.
Does that explain it??